Playbook® Applicability to


State Standards in Language Arts

Kindergarten through Grade Six


Reading a Playbook® in the classroom meets the following Connecticut standards in English Language Arts and Reading:

CONTENT STANDARD 1: Reading and Responding

Students will read and respond in individual, literal, critical and evaluative ways to literary, informational and persuasive texts.

• describe the text by giving an initial reaction to the text and describing its general content and purpose;

K-4: Students will describe the thoughts, opinions and questions that arise as they read, view or listen to a text and use relevant information from the text to summarize the content.

5-6: Students will describe the thoughts, opinions and questions that arise as they read, view or listen to a text, then identify the central idea, purpose or theme of a work.

• interpret the text by using prior knowledge and experiences;

K-4: Students will use what they know to identify or infer important characters, set-tings, themes, events, ideas, relationships or details within a work.

5-6: Students will use what they know to identify or infer important characters, settings, themes, events, ideas, relationships or details within a work and draw conclusions about the author’s purpose.

• reflect on the text to make judgments about its meaning and quality;

K-4: Students will analyze, elaborate on and respond critically to works.

5-6: Students will evaluate explicit and implicit information within a work and compare and contrast the work to others with similar topics, themes, characters or problems.

• analyze text and task, set purpose and plan appropriate strategies for comprehending, interpreting and evaluating texts;

K-4: Students will identify the type of text and use strategies (talking and writing, utilizing graphic organizers, drawing, listing, creating time lines, etc.) to accomplish a range of reading tasks.

5-6: Students will determine and use the structure of a written work to construct meaning and to select the best comprehension tool (retelling, using graphic organizers or story frames, writing to find meaning, etc.) for their purpose.

• generate questions before, during and after reading, writing, listening and viewing;

K-4: Students will ask and answer their own and each other’s literal and inferential text-related questions.

5-6: Students will ask and answer their own and each other’s evaluative and interpretive questions.

• make and confirm or revise predictions;

K-4: Students will listen to, read and view texts, tell periodically how they think texts will turn out, then read to decide if their predictions prove accurate.

5-6: Students will predict as they read, listen to and view texts, then review the texts to assess the plausibility of their predictions.

• use a variety of monitoring and self-correcting methods (skimming, scanning, reading ahead, re-reading, using resources, summarizing, retelling, readjusting speed);

K-4: Students will practice using strategies to monitor and self-correct their comprehension as they read texts.

5-6: Students will apply the variety of methods of monitoring and self-correcting to all texts read, listened to and viewed.

• use the structure of narrative, expository, persuasive, poetic and visual text to interpret and extend meaning;

K-4: Students will identify the ways in which the various genre structures differ from each other.

5-6: Students will identify the features of various types of texts and apply their understanding to their examination of the texts.

• select and apply efficient and effective word recognition strategies, including contextual clues, picture clues, phonics and structural analysis;

K-4: Students will learn and use effectively the complete variety of word recognition strategies to aid in comprehension.

5-6: Students will apply all appropriate word recognition strategies to perfect reading fluency.

• use a variety of strategies to develop an extensive vocabulary;

K-4: Students will read extensively, cluster, define, identify word parts and use other such strategies to build their comprehension skills.

5-6: Students will read extensively and apply a variety of vocabulary strategies to ensure advanced levels of comprehension.

• make inferences about ideas implicit in narrative, expository, persuasive and poetic texts;

K-4: Students will support their inferences, orally and/ or in writing, by referring to the materials read.

5-6: Students will identify the specific passages that support the ideas they take from both fiction and nonfiction.


• understand that a single text may elicit a wide variety of responses; and

K-4: Students will generate a variety of responses based upon the experiences they have had.

5-6: Students will judge the plausibility of several interpretations of a text

• interact with others in creating, interpreting and evaluating written, oral and visual texts.

K-4: Students will participate in a variety of cooperative group activities to apply collaborative skills (e.g., making eye contact, waiting turns, listening, taking others’ ideas into account, explaining clearly, restating) to their reading, writing, listening and viewing.

5-6: Students will interact in a variety of groupings to develop further the skills of collaboration to enhance their understanding of works read, written and viewed.

CONTENT STANDARD 3: Applying English Language Conventions

Students will apply the conventions of standard English language in oral and written communication.

• speak and write using conventional patterns of syntax and diction;

K-4: Students will use the spoken and written syntax and diction of the skilled writers and speakers with which they are made familiar.

5-6: Students will recognize the difference between the spoken and written syntax of standard and nonstandard writers and speakers of English and will choose the most appropriate words for the particular purpose.

• use variations of language appropriate to purpose, audience and task;

K-4: Students will compare the language used by various speakers and writers and determine when the language is and is not fitting.

5-6: Students will determine the variations of language used by speakers and writers in various contexts and will incorporate suitable language in their own writing and speaking.

• develop fluency and competency in the English language arts by using and building upon the strengths of the learner’s language and culture; and

K-4: Students will read, listen to and tell stories from a variety of cultures, including their own, and identify the similarities and differences in the way the language is used.

5-6: Students will examine the literature they read and the writing they create to articulate variations between the patterns used in their home language and culture and those used in the works they read and write.

• understand that an accepted practice in spoken and written language may change over time.

5-8: Students will explore works to identify words and conventions not currently used in everyday language.



CONTENT STANDARD 4: Exploring and Responding to Texts

Students will use the language arts to explore and respond to classical and contemporary texts from many cultures and literary periods.

• explore and respond to classic literary text that has shaped Western thought;

K-4: Students will read/ listen to/view a variety of children’s classics and talk about the ways life today is similar to the characters’ lives.

5-6: Students will read an array of literary classics and note themes, issues and ideas in the texts that are still influential in our present world.

• explore and respond to contemporary literature;

K-4: Students will read, view and listen to a variety of recent children’s literature and react to it in a variety of ways.

5-6: Students will read, view and listen to current works appropriate for their age level, then discuss the issues raised.

• evaluate the merit of literary text on the basis of individual preferences and established standards;

K-4: Students will declare their opinions about each of the works they read, listen to and view, then rate each according to such features as character development, conflict and theme.

5-6: Students will examine the individual appeal of the works they read, listen to or view, and determine whether or not the author effectively used literary elements such as setting, point of view, irony, theme and conflict.

• examine the ways readers and writers are influenced by individual, social, cultural and historical context;

K-4: Students discuss how the works they read and write are dependent upon factors such as the time, culture and experience of the readers and writers.

5-8: Students understand that authors and readers are influenced by their times and experiences and identify those influences in the works they read, listen to and view.

• recognize literary conventions and devices and understand how they convey meaning;

K-4: Students will identify the literary conventions and devices used in such genres as folk tales, fairy tales, tall tales and poems, and tell how those conventions and de-vices help the reader under-stand the genre.

5-8: Students will explain how literary conventions such as romantic love in the Arthurian legends or heroism in historical fiction, and literary devices such as figures of speech, imagery and symbolism, contribute to their understanding of the text.

• demonstrate an understanding that literature represents, recreates, shapes and explores human experience through language and imagination;

K-4: Students will respond to literary works to determine various aspects that connect to their own lives.

5-6: Students will read works from different literary periods to determine how literature represents the human experience.

• explore and respond to the aesthetic elements of literature, including spoken, visual

and written texts;

K-4: Students will note in their independent reading the qualities they like and dislike.

5-6: Students will identify and discuss the aesthetic attributes of literary works.

• use literature as a resource to explore ideas and decisions, as well as political and social issues;

K-4: Students will determine the various ways people use literature to convey a message.

5-6: Students will read works with archetypal characters and themes to determine the political and social issues of concern to ancient peoples and the relationship to political and social issues of concern today.

• identify the unique and shared qualities of the voices, cultures and historical periods in literature

K-4: Students will read a variety of works related to specific time periods to understand other cultural and historical periods.

5-6: Students will read classic and contemporary texts and conduct related research to understand the cultural influences of a time period on its works.

• explore and respond to text representing both the literary tradition and the diversity of American cultural heritage.

K-4: Students will read and respond to works by a variety of American and traditional authors.

5-6: Students will read and respond to works that reflect various American experiences and those of the milieu of traditional literature.