Playbook® Applicability to

State Standards in Language Arts

Kindergarten through Grade Five

Reading a Playbook® in the classroom meets the following Hawaii standards in English Language Arts and Reading:

Kindergarten-Grade One

Read narrative and informative texts.

• Read for enjoyment and to gain information.

• Make reasonable predictions about what will happen in a story.

• Draw on personal experiences and prior knowledge to comprehend text.

• Show knowledge of the foundations of literacy - concepts about print, phonemic awareness, experience with text - when reading text.

• Apply letter knowledge, spelling-sound word recognition strategies, and meaning-based word recognition strategies to decode unknown words in text.

• Demonstrate increasing fluency, including the ability to read frequently occurring words by sight.

• Identify favorite part of story and give reasons for choice.

• Share information from text.

• Interpret text through dramatization, writing, or art.

• Share reading experiences with others.

• Read about others from different cultures to gain perspectives different from own.

• Write thoughts and ideas using different forms.

• Identify topics for writing by drawing from personal experiences and experiences with texts.

• Generate ideas by using strategies such as drawing, role-playing, and talking.

• Draw, tell, and write about experiences from own personal and cultural backgrounds.

Grade Two-Grade Three


• Read both fiction and nonfiction.

• Read for enjoyment and to gain information.

• Make conscious connections between prior knowledge and text while reading to construct meaning.

• Verify and clarify ideas by referring to text.

• Recognize breakdowns in comprehension and repair these breakdowns by rereading, asking questions, and seeking clarification.

• Relate critical facts and details in narrative or informational text to comprehend text.

• Demonstrate fluent reading of grade-appropriate texts, applying spelling-sound word recognition strategies and meaning-based word recognition strategies as appropriate.

• Apply knowledge of suffixes, prefixes, and word parts as meaningful cues to words.

• Apply knowledge of fiction and nonfiction genres to understand text.

• Relate information and events in text to own ideas and life experiences.

• State the important ideas from reading and identify a theme or generalization.

• Interpret texts in a variety of ways.

• Identify favorite genres and topics for reading.

• Share reading with others.

• Share in the experiences of others from different cultures through reading and discussion.

• Interact with others to obtain information, share ideas, and express opinion.

• Participate in groups to complete a task, solve a simple problem, or share ideas.

• Participate in dramatic and interpretive oral activities.

• Know when one is not understood, and ask specific questions or restate message to make communication clearer.

• Speak clearly and expressively using nonverbal language to complement and enhance verbal messages.

• Use standard English pronunciation and grammar when speaking to be understood.

• Support ideas with information and details.

• Organize ideas so listeners can understand them.

• Use language that conveys the intended message.

• Adjust volume, eye contact, and gestures to audience and situation.

• Demonstrate a positive attitude toward speaking that enables one to become an active participant.

• Show awareness of diverse cultures through the sharing of ideas

Grade Four-Grade Five


• Read a variety of genres.

• Read for literary experience and to develop aesthetic appreciation.

• Infer ideas from text.

• Modify initial interpretations in light of new information and prior experience.

• Recognize breakdowns in comprehension, and repair these breakdowns by asking questions, seeking clarification, and summarizing.

• Integrate important information gathered from a long passage or text to interpret meaning.

• Use knowledge of story elements to interpret text.

• Differentiate between literal and figurative language and infer appropriate meaning when reading.

• State the important ideas and interpret author's message, theme, or generalization.

• Compare own ideas with ideas in text, and analyze similarities and differences.

• Interact thoughtfully with each other about texts that represent diverse perspectives.

• Participate in dramatic and interpretive oral activities.

• Demonstrate give and take in communication and respond appropriately to what is said.

• Ask questions for clarification.

• Listen attentively by focusing attention on a speaker's message.

• Speak clearly and expressively using verbal and nonverbal language.

• Adjust language to be understood.

• Participate in groups to exchange ideas, explore issues, solve a problem, or complete a project.

• Participate in dramatic and interpretive oral activities.

• Use feedback to clarify, adjust, change, continue, or stop communication.

• Monitor understanding by paraphrasing, summarizing, and checking perceptions.

• Create mental pictures, sequence ideas, and find purpose when listening, to understand and remember key ideas.

• Listen critically for supporting evidence, separating fact from opinion.

• Apply knowledge of standard English pronunciation and grammar to be understood.

• Support ideas with research information as well as personal experience and knowledge.

• Organize ideas to give clarity to messages.

• Use language that is clear and understood by the listener(s).

• Use delivery appropriate to audience and situation.

• Demonstrate confidence in speaking situations that enables one to become an active participant.

• Know that cultural differences may affect communication and accept shared responsibility for understanding.