Playbook® Applicability to


State Standards in Language Arts

Kindergarten through Grade Six


Reading a Playbook® in the classroom meets the following Mississippi standards in English Language Arts and Reading:



1. Interact with others for various purposes in classroom and school communities based on first-hand experiences using reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing.

(R, W, L, S, V)

a. Orally describe events, ideas, and personal stories with teacher prompts.
b. Use language to express needs, wants, and feelings.

4. Develop individual skills for working independently and cooperatively while engaging in small and large group activities. (R, W, L, S, V)

b. Work cooperatively with one or two other students in a play situation to solve problems and make simple decisions with teacher guidance and support.

6. Read and listen to works of literature representing various cultures and historical periods. (R, L, V)

a. Listen to a variety of multicultural literature.
b. Participate during reading of selected literature.

7. Experience a variety of literary forms and styles to discover the meaning and beauty of language. (R, W, L, S, V)

a. Actively respond to literature by smiling, clapping, joining in familiar stories, rhymes, songs, dance, poems, action verse, refrains, etc.
b. Participate in discussing favorite stories, songs, and poems.

8. Develop an ability to read with increasing fluency and understanding by using writing and a variety of other reading strategies. (R, W, L, S, V)

a. Exhibit an understanding of language associated with reading and writing behaviors (look, listen, read, front, back, upside down, left to right, etc.).
b. Recognize elements of environmental print (box labels, road signs, logos, etc.).
c. Recognize that words are used in communicating meaning.
d. Participate as favorite stories are reread aloud by orally filling in familiar words and phrases.
e. Begin to recognize the phonetic principle that letters are associated with sounds heard in words and understand some letter/sound relationships.
f. Apply beginning knowledge of phonics and other word attack skills in reading a variety of literature (e.g., trade books, experience stories, basal readers, etc.).

9. Read, interpret, and respond to ideas, information, and events in written materials with familiar content and a limited range of unfamiliar content. (R, W, L, S, V)

a. Demonstrate appropriate responses based on applications of listening, speaking, personal experience, and simple predictions in a variety of situations.
b. Use personal language to retell familiar stories.

10. Demonstrate continuous progress toward the use of penmanship, grammar, mechanics, and standard English in the context of writing and speaking. (R, W, L, S, V)

a. Interact with others in a variety of situations to formulate and exchange familiar ideas and information.
b. Participate in dictation and teacher recording of language experiences as the teacher introduces and reinforces individual letter symbols in context.

11. Use language to facilitate continuous learning, to record observations, to clarify thought, to synthesize information, and to analyze and evaluate language, as appropriate. (R, W, L, S, V)

a. Begin to notice and make use of written and oral language as a source of information and enjoyment.
b. Use oral language to exchange and explain ideas.

First Grade

1. Interact with others for various purposes in classroom and school communities based on first-hand experiences using reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Orally describe events, ideas, and personal stories with limited details, some sequence, and teacher prompting.
b. Demonstrate growth in using language to express needs, wants, and feelings.
c. Listen to determine the main idea and to recall details.

4. Develop individual skills for working independently and cooperatively while engaging in small and large group activities. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Begin to apply developmentally appropriate critical thinking processes to analyze and interpret information, make decisions, problem-solve, and reflect individually and in groups with teacher guidance.
b. Participate in response groups as leader/supporter and speaker/listener with teacher guidance.

6. Read and listen to works of literature representing various cultures and historical periods. (R, L, V)

a. Listen to and participate in the reading of selected literature from diverse cultures and historical periods.
b. Begin to recognize that different times, places, and customs are reflected in selected literary works.

7. Experience a variety of literary forms and styles in order to discover the meaning and beauty of language. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Begin to recognize characteristics of quality literature such as rhyme, repetition, and figurative language.
b. Begin to recognize elements of story such as plot, character, sequence, and setting.
c. Express language that has been read through performance of the arts, such as poetry, drama, dance, drawing, etc.

8. Develop an ability to read with increasing fluency and understanding by using writing and a variety of other reading strategies. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Demonstrate appropriate handling of a book (right-way up, front to back, sequential page-turning).
b. Use familiar words, picture clues, context clues, and personal experiences to read and write meaningful messages.
c. Predict meaning using pictures and context clues.
d. Participate as favorite stories are reread aloud by filling in familiar words and phrases.
e. Recognize the phonetic principle that letters are associated with sounds heard in words.
f. Apply beginning knowledge of phonics and other word attack skills in reading a variety of literature (trade books, experience stories, basal readers, etc.).
g. Develop a personal sight-word vocabulary.
h. Read for information, communication, and entertainment.

9. Read, interpret, and respond to ideas, information, and events in written materials with familiar content and a limited range of unfamiliar content. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Use listening, speaking, reading, reflecting, predicting, questioning, and personal experiences to understand and respond in a variety of situations.
b. Use personal and literary language to retell familiar stories.
c. Recall the main idea and details of what has been read.
d. Draw a conclusion from what is read.

10. Demonstrate continuous progress toward the use of penmanship, grammar, mechanics, and standard English in the context of writing and speaking. (R, W, S, L, V)

b. Exhibit emergent knowledge of standard English use in the context of writing and speaking.

11. Use language to facilitate continuous learning, to record observations, to clarify thought, to synthesize information, and to analyze and evaluate language, as appropriate. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Begin to use oral and written language in a variety of classroom contexts (charting, graphing, development of graphic organizers, etc.).
b. Begin to use oral and written language to exchange and explain ideas.

Second Grade

1. Interact with others for various purposes in classroom and school communities based on first-hand experiences using reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Describe events, ideas, and personal stories with important details and meaningful sequence.
b. Begin to recognize that language is a tool for communication and use language to express needs, wants, and feelings.
c. Listen to determine the main idea and to recall details.

4. Develop individual skills for working independently and cooperatively while engaging in small and large group activities. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Apply developmentally appropriate critical thinking processes to analyze and interpret information, make decisions, problem solve, and reflect individually and in groups with minimal teacher guidance.
b. Participate in response groups as a leader/supporter and speaker/listener with minimal teacher guidance.

6. Read and listen to works of literature representing various cultures and historical periods. (R, L, V)

a. Read, listen, and respond to selected literature from diverse cultures and historical periods.
b. Recognize that different times, places, and customs are reflected in selected literary works.

7. Experience a variety of literary forms and styles to discover the meaning and beauty of language. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Begin to recognize characteristics of quality literature such as rhyme, rhythm, repetition, and figurative language.
b. Recognize elements of story such as plot, character, sequence, and setting and begin to incorporate them into oral and written forms.
c. Express language that has been read through performance of the arts, such as poetry, drama, dance, etc.
d. Introduce the dictionary (picture or words).

8. Develop an ability to read with increasing fluency and understanding by using writing and a variety of other reading strategies. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Apply expanding knowledge of familiar, high frequency words when reading and writing.
b. Use familiar words and phrases, picture clues, phonics, context clues, and personal experience to read and write meaningful messages.
c. Predict meaning using context clues and some pictures.
d. Read for information, communication, entertainment, and to perform a task.
e. Choose a variety of books with increasing difficulty to read and re-read with increased fluency and understanding.
g. Demonstrate a variety of strategies for attacking unfamiliar words in context.

9. Read, interpret, and respond to ideas, information, and events in written materials with familiar content and a limited range of unfamiliar content. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Develop more complex predictions.
b. Generate questions while participating in language experiences and confirm or discount understanding through discussion and reflection.
c. Apply basic comprehension strategies to interpret familiar and unfamiliar content.
d. Recall the main idea and details of what has been read.
e. Identify a cause and effect relationship in a written passage.
f. Draw a conclusion from material read.

10. Demonstrate continuous progress toward the use of penmanship, grammar, mechanics, and standard English in the context of writing and speaking. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Exhibit increasing knowledge of standard English usage such as, but not limited to, capitalization, punctuation, and subject-verb agreement in the context of writing and speaking.

11. Use language to facilitate continuous learning, to record observations, to clarify thought, to synthesize information, and to analyze and evaluate language, as appropriate. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Continue to apply use of language in a variety of classroom contexts (charting, graphing, development of graphic organizers, etc).
b. Continue to use language to exchange and explain ideas.

Third Grade

1. Interact with others for various purposes in classroom and school communities based on first-hand experiences using reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Describe events, ideas, and personal stories with accurate details and meaningful sequence.
c. Listen to determine main idea and speaker's purpose and to recall details.

4. Develop individual skills for working independently and participate cooperatively while engaging in small and large group activities. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Apply critical thinking processes to analyze and interpret information, make decisions, problem solve, and reflect individually and in groups.
b. Participate in response groups as a leader/supporter and speaker/listener.

6. Read and listen to works of literature representing various cultures and historical periods. (R, L, V)

a. Read, listen, and respond to selected literature from diverse cultures and historical periods.
b. Recognize that different times, places, and customs are reflected in various literary works.

7. Experience a variety of literary forms and styles in order to discover the meaning and beauty of language. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Recognize characteristics of quality literature such as rhyme, rhythm, repetition, and figurative language, and incorporate them into oral and written forms.
b. Identify significant information in text and analyze ways in which it contributes to meaning.
c. Use prefixes and suffixes to modify the meaning of root words as found in context.
d. Express language that has been read through performance of the arts such as poetry, drama, dance, etc.
e. Use a dictionary to find or confirm the meaning of a word.

8. Develop an ability to read and with increasing fluency and understanding by writing and by using a variety of reading strategies. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Use expansive vocabulary of known words when reading and writing passages of increasing length and variety.
b. Transfer knowledge of language patterns, meaning, and personal experience to write and to read with increasing fluency.
c. Predict meaning using a variety of context clues, sentence structure, and some picture clues.
d. Read for information, communication, entertainment, and to perform a task.
e. Choose a variety of books gradually increasing in difficulty.
f. Sustain reading interest over a gradually increased length of time.
g. Demonstrate a variety of strategies for attacking unfamiliar words in context.

9. Read, interpret, and respond to ideas, information, and events in written materials with familiar content and a limited range of unfamiliar content. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Organize and record information before reading for set purposes.
b. Use comprehension skills to make, confirm, or discount complex predictions.
c. Generate questions when participating in language experiences to develop understanding and make response to written materials.
d. Recognize elements of a story such as plot, character, character motivation, sequence, setting, and incorporate them into oral and written forms.
e. Recall the main idea and details of what has been read.
f. Identify a cause and effect relationship in a written passage.
g. Draw a conclusion from material read.

11. Use language to facilitate continuous learning, to record observations, to clarify thought, to synthesize information, and to analyze and evaluate language, as appropriate. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Exhibit use of expanding vocabulary which includes references to an expanding knowledge of the world.
b. Begin to recognize accuracy, effectiveness, validity, bias, and author's purpose in print and non-print material.

Fourth Grade

2. Speak coherently and listen effectively to exchange ideas and opinions for a variety of purposes and audiences. (S, L)

a. Speak in complete sentences using standard English.
b. Contribute to class discussions by expressing individual ideas and opinions.
d. Tell or retell a story to a small group of students.
e. Listen to determine the main idea.

4. Read, listen to, and view multimedia sources to select and use information.

(R, W, S, L, V)

d. Read and interpret information from charts, graphs, maps, tables, schedules, timelines, etc.
h. Use a table of contents to find information.

5. Develop self-monitoring skills to work independently and cooperatively. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Assume a given role in a group such as recorder, reporter, encourager, leader, timekeeper, artist, etc.
b. Assess and monitor individual contributions to the group's effort.

6. Participate cooperatively while engaging in small group activities to analyze and interpret information, to make decisions, to solve problems, and to produce a given product. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Participate in team building through concrete and abstract activities.
b. Continue to develop strategies for listening and speaking that respect the rights and contributions of others.
c. Analyze, evaluate, and compromise to arrive at consensus.
d. Reorganize ideas and information to achieve a designated purpose.

7. Discover the history and inherent beauty of cultural expression in language and literature. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Read an increasingly wider variety of literature to investigate issues common to all people, including multi-cultural experiences, through literature, language, and culture.
b. Begin to recognize the interrelatedness of language, literature, and culture.
c. Use prefixes and suffixes to modify the meaning of root words as found in context.

8. Read and use print and non-print media to experience the rhythm, energy, and pictorial qualities of language. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Incorporate the use of the arts such as drama, music, multimedia, etc., to internalize language that has been read.
b. Express what has been read through performance of arts such as poetry, plays, dance, etc.
c. Recognize characteristics of literature such as rhyme, rhythm, repetition, and figurative language, and incorporate them into written and oral forms.

9. Read independently with fluency and for meaning using a variety of strategies. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Use comprehension and reading strategies (skim, scan, predict, infer, modify or confirm original predictions, draw a conclusion, compare, contrast, etc.) to respond to literary selections and to enhance fluency and meaning.
b. Begin to adjust reading strategies for different purposes.
c. Read materials for information, communication, pleasure, and to perform a task, using a variety of strategies.
d. Use prior knowledge to identify commonalities between personal experiences and story elements.
e. Use word recognition strategies (phonics, contextual clues, reference guides, etc.) and resources to gain meaning from print.
f. Evaluate what is read, heard, or viewed and connect it to prior knowledge for critical analysis.
g. Read, listen, or view in a focused manner for periods of time as determined by teacher.
h. Model by reading aloud (students and/or teacher)

10. Read, analyze, and respond in written and oral language or other art forms to increasingly challenging literature and other resources. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Paraphrase the main idea and important details from multimedia resources.
b. Depict characters or scenes from stories using a variety of artistic media.
c. Describe story elements such as the setting, characters, mood, motivation, problems/conflict, events/plot, solution, conclusion.
d. Distinguish the author's purpose as informative, persuasive, or entertaining.
e. Determine if the author's purpose is achieved.
f. Recognize the main idea of paragraphs or other written passages.
g. Recognize sequence of events.
h. Identify and determine meaning of figurative language (idioms, similes, metaphors) in written passages including poems.
i. Identify first-person narrative in written passages.
j. Write a reaction to, interpretation of, or summary of what has been read.

11. Demonstrate continuous progress toward control of penmanship, grammar, mechanics, sentence structure, and usage of standard English in the context of writing and speaking. (R, W, S, L, V)

b. Interact with increasing competency in using standard English skills when writing and speaking in a variety of situations.
c. Apply correct grammar skills in speaking and writing.
d. Apply correct usage in speaking, writing, and editing/proofreading.
e. Use correct sentence structure in speaking, writing, and editing/proof-reading.
f. Increase proficiency in cursive writing.

12. Acquire and use appropriate vocabulary and spelling concepts. (R, W, S, L, V)

d. Use appropriate vocabulary for specific situations, purposes, and audiences.

13. Use language to record observations, to clarify thoughts, to synthesize information, and to analyze and evaluate language in order to facilitate continuous learning. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Interpret oral, visual, and written language in order to think critically and to solve problems.

14. Construct meaning by applying personal experiences and by reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing. (R, W, S, L, V)

b. Integrate speaking, listening, writing, and reading to study and solve problems.

Fifth Grade

2. Speak coherently and listen effectively to exchange ideas and opinions for a variety of purposes and audiences. (S, L)

a. Use standard English in discussion and in group and independent presentations, etc.
b. Develop an awareness of voice quality, articulation, body language, and stage presence.
c. Listen to determine the main idea and to distinguish fact from opinion.
d. Begin to self-evaluate proficiency in presentation skills.

3. Complete projects and tasks in an organized and coherent manner. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Identify the purpose of and audience for a project or task.
b. Use reading as a source of ideas and information for a project or task.

5. Develop self-monitoring skills to work independently and cooperatively. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Assume a given role in a group such as recorder, reporter, leader, etc.
b. Assess and monitor individual contributions to the group's effort.

6. Participate cooperatively while engaging in small group activities to analyze and interpret information, to make decisions, to solve problems, and to produce a given product.

a. Participate in team building through concrete and abstract activities.
b. Develop strategies for listening and speaking that respect the rights and contributions of others.
c. Analyze, evaluate, and compromise to arrive at a consensus.
d. Reorganize ideas and information to achieve a designated purpose.

7. Discover the history and inherent beauty of cultural expression in language and literature. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Read an increasingly wider variety of literature to investigate issues common to all people including multi-cultural experiences through literature, language, and culture.
b. Recognize the interrelatedness of language, literature, and culture.
c. Use prefixes and suffixes to modify the meaning of root words as found in context.
d. Recognize the origin of words adopted from other languages.

8. Read and use print and non-print media to experience the rhythm, energy, and pictorial qualities of language. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Incorporate the use of arts such as drama, music, multimedia, etc., to internalize the language that has been read.
b. Express what has been read through performance of the arts such as poetry, drama, dance, etc.
c. Recognize rhyme, rhythm, repetition, and figurative language, and incorporate them into oral and written forms.

9. Read independently with fluency and for meaning using a variety of strategies. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Use comprehension and reading strategies (skim, scan, predict, infer, modify or confirm original predictions, draw conclusions, compare, contrast, etc.) to respond to literary selections and to enhance fluency and meaning.
b. Adjust reading strategies for different purposes.
c. Use prior knowledge to identify commonalities between personal experiences and story elements.
d. Use word recognition strategies and resources (phonics, contextual clues, reference guides, etc.) to gain meaning of print.
e. Model by reading aloud (students and/or teacher).
f. Read materials for information, communication, pleasure, and to perform a task, using various strategies.

10. Read, analyze, and respond in written and oral language or other art forms to increasingly challenging literature and other resources. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Paraphrase the main idea and important details from multimedia resources.
b. Depict characters or scenes from stories using a variety of artistic media.
c. Describe story elements such as setting, characters, mood, motivation, problems/conflict, events/plot, solution, and conclusion.
d. Distinguish the author's purpose as informative, persuasive, or entertaining.
e. Determine if the author's purpose is achieved.
f. Use supporting details to identify main idea of a paragraph or other written message.
g. Recognize and tell the sequence of events.
h. Identify and determine meaning of figurative language in written passages, including poems (idioms, similes, metaphors).
i. Identify first and third person narrative in written passages.
j. Write a reaction to, interpretation of, or summary of what has been read.
k. Identify a cause and effect relationship in a written passage.

11. Demonstrate continuous progress toward control of penmanship, grammar, mechanics, sentence structure, and usage of standard English in the context of writing and speaking. (R, W, S, L, V)

b. Interact with increasing competency using standard English skills when writing and speaking in a variety of situations.
c. Apply correct grammar skills in speaking and writing.
d. Apply correct usage in speaking, writing, and editing/proofreading.
e. Use correct sentence structure in speaking, writing, and editing/proofreading.

12. Acquire and use appropriate vocabulary and spelling concepts. (R, W, S, L, V)

d. Use appropriate vocabulary for specific situations, purposes, and audiences.

13. Use language to record observations, to clarify thoughts, to synthesize information, and to analyze and evaluate language in order to facilitate continuous learning. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Interpret oral, visual, and written language in order to think critically and to solve problems.

14. Construct meaning by applying personal experiences and by reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Identify and locate information to solve real-life problems.
b. Integrate speaking, listening, writing, and reading to study and solve problems.

Sixth Grade

2. Speak coherently and listen effectively to exchange ideas and opinions for a variety of purposes and audiences. (S, L)

a. Present various points of view to an expanding audience (classroom and beyond).
b. Practice voice quality, articulation, body language, and stage presence.
c. Use standard English with increasing proficiency in discussion and group and independent presentations.
d. Listen to determine the main idea and to distinguish fact from opinion.
e. Continue to self-evaluate proficiency in presentation skills.

3. Complete projects and tasks in an organized and coherent manner. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Identify the purpose of and audience for a project or task.
b. Use reading as a source of ideas and information for a project or task.

5. Develop self-monitoring skills to work independently and cooperatively. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Assume a given role in a group such as recorder, reporter, etc.
b. Assess and monitor individual contributions to the group's effort.

6. Participate cooperatively while engaging in small group activities to analyze and interpret information, to make decisions, to solve problems, and to produce a given product.

a. Participate in team building through concrete and abstract activities.
b. Develop strategies for listening and speaking that respect the rights and contributions of others.
c. Analyze, evaluate, and compromise to arrive at a consensus.
d. Reorganize ideas and information to achieve a designated purpose.

7. Discover the history and inherent beauty of cultural expression in language and literature. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Read an increasingly wider variety of literature to investigate issues common to all people, including multi-cultural experiences, through literature, language, and culture.
b. Recognize the interrelatedness of language, literature, and culture.
c. Use prefixes and suffixes to modify the meaning of root words as found in context.
d. Recognize the origin of words adopted from other languages.
e. Recognize that language differs according to dialect and social settings.
f. Identify the tone of a written passage.

8. Read and use print and non-print media to experience the rhythm, energy, and pictorial qualities of language. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Incorporate the use of the arts such as drama, music, multimedia, etc., to internalize the language that has been read.
b. Express language that has been read through performance of the arts, such as poetry, drama, dance, etc.
c. Recognize characteristics of literature such as rhyme, rhythm, repetition, and figurative language, and incorporate them into written and oral form.

9. Read independently with fluency and for meaning using a variety of strategies. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Use comprehension and reading strategies (skim, scan, predict, infer, modify or confirm original predictions, draw a conclusion, compare, contrast, etc.) to respond to literary selections and to enhance fluency and meaning.
b. Adjust reading strategies for different purposes.
c. Use prior knowledge to identify commonalities between personal experiences and story elements.
d. Use word recognition strategies and resources (phonics, contextual clues, reference guides, etc.) to gain meaning from print.
e. Model by reading aloud (students and/or teacher).
f. Read materials for information, communication, pleasure, and to perform a task, using various strategies.

10. Read, analyze, and respond in written and oral language or other art forms to increasingly challenging literature and other resources. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Paraphrase main idea and important details from multimedia resources.
b. Depict characters or scenes from stories using a variety of artistic media.
c. Describe story elements such as setting, characters, mood, motivation, problems, events/plot, solution, denouement, and conclusion.
d. Distinguish the author's purpose as informative, persuasive, or entertaining.
e. Determine if the author's purpose is achieved.
f. Use supporting details to identify implied main idea details of a paragraph or written passage.
g. Paraphrase a sequence of events.
h. Identify and determine the meaning of figurative language (idioms, similes, metaphors) in written passages, including poems.
j. Write a reaction to, interpretation of, or summary of what has been read.
k. Identify a cause and effect relationship in a written passage.

11. Demonstrate continuous progress toward control of penmanship, grammar, mechanics, sentence structure, and usage of standard English in the context of writing and speaking. (R, W, S, L, V)

b. Interact with increasing competency using standard English when writing and speaking in a variety of situations.
c. Apply correct grammar in speaking, writing, and reading.
d. Apply correct usage in speaking, writing, and editing/proofreading.
e. Use correct sentence structure in speaking, writing, and editing/proofreading.
f. Increase proficiency in penmanship.

12. Acquire and use appropriate vocabulary and spelling concepts. (R, W, S, L, V)

d. Use appropriate vocabulary for specific situations, purposes, and audiences.

13. Use language to record observations, to clarify thoughts, to synthesize information, and to analyze and evaluate language in order to facilitate continuous learning. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Interpret oral, visual, and written language in order to think critically and to solve problems.

14. Construct meaning by applying personal experiences and by reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing. (R, W, S, L, V)

a. Identify and locate information to solve real-life problems.
b. Integrate speaking, listening, writing, and reading to study and solve problems.