Playbook® Applicability to


State Standards in Language Arts


TOPIC: Reading

Reading a Playbook® in the classroom meets the following Utah standards in English Language Arts and Reading:


STANDARD: 4000 - 01

Students use prior knowledge to comprehend new information and construct meaning.


4000-0101 Demonstrate understanding of the graphic features of print.

Recognize front and back of books.

Read books right side up, front to back, and page by page in sequential order.

Start in upper left-hand corner to begin reading.

Read left to right, top-to-bottom, front-to-back, beginning-to-end.

Associate spoken words and concepts with written language.

4000-0102 Assimilate new ideas introduced through pictures and print.

Make connections between prior knowledge and new information.

Use new information in writings, drawings, and play.

4000-0103 Make connections between personal experience and print.

Relate new ideas to existing knowledge.

Create mental images from pictures and print.

Use illustrations to access prior knowledge.

4000-0104 Record thoughts through writings, drawings, and projects.

STANDARD: 4000 - 02

Students make predictions and confirm meaning.


4000-0201 Anticipate the flow of events or information.

Order predicted events in a reasonable sequence.

Identify predicted events that fit the text.

4000-0202 Verify predictions as the reading continues.

Determine the accuracy of predictions.

Change predictions to fit additional information from the reading.

Make new predictions as information is added.

4000-0203 Draw reasonable conclusions.

Retell events to confirm meaning.

Make reasonable inferences.

Identify the concluding event(s) and/or important idea(s).


STANDARD: 4000 - 03

Students use graphophonic cues (letter/sound correspondence) to decode words.


4000-0301 Demonstrate phonemic awareness in spoken language.

Hear and manipulate the sounds in words.

Identify orally words that rhyme.

Create rhyming words orally.

Sort words orally according to shared beginning and ending sounds

Blend sounds orally to make words or word parts.

Divide words orally into sound units.

4000-0302 Demonstrate graphophonemic understanding with print.

Identify upper and lower case letters by name.

Match consonant sounds to letters.

Identify initial and final consonant sounds in words.

Read a few high frequency words correctly.


STANDARD: 4000 - 04

Students begin to monitor and guide their comprehension of text through listening.


4000-0401 Use a variety of strategies to comprehend when listening to stories.

Use text and illustrations to adjust and confirm meaning.

Ask questions to clarify meaning.

Retell in own words to make sense of what was read.

4000-0402 Recognize and predict language patterns.

Identify patterns in text.

Accurately repeat pattern texts.

Predict what will come next in an on-going pattern.

Use a familiar pattern to create new text.


STANDARD: 4000 - 05

Students, teachers, and parents read together to create a shared meaning from print.


4000-0501 Value reading as an important part of their lives.

Share various literary genre.

Appreciate cultural contributions and artistic expressions.

Use appropriate strategies to refine meaning.

4000-0502 Participate in a print-rich environment.

Know nursery rhymes and fairy tales.

Reread and retell favorite stories with friends and/or family members.

Participate in a variety of language activities.


TOPIC: Writing

STANDARD: 4000 - 06

Students use concepts and conventions of print to create texts.


4000-0601 Understand the purpose of print.

Recognize varying formats and purposes of print.

Differentiate letters, numbers, and words.


TOPIC: Speaking and Listening

STANDARD: 4000 - 09

Students develop oral language through speaking.


4000-0901 Learn to explore ideas as they talk.

Participate in discussions in a variety of settings.

Relate new experiences to prior experiences.

Begin to discriminate between spoken words and sentences.

Respond to questions.

Begin to follow implicit rules for conversation.

4000-0902 Use speech for language enrichment.

Engage in imaginative talk as part of role play or drama.

Improvise in response to pictures, music, and stories

4000-0903 Build a speaking vocabulary.

Use words to describe or name people, places, and things.

Use words to describe location, color, shape, and actions.

Use number words.

Ask about words not understood.

STANDARD: 4000 - 10

Students develop language and acquire information through listening.


4000-1001 Listen actively.

Listen and respond in conversation.

Listen to gain information.

Recognize and respond to humor.

Listen for a specific purpose.

4000-1002 Construct meaning from what they hear.

Relate what they hear to what they know.

Make and verify predictions as they continue to listen.

Restate information to confirm meaning.

4000-1003 Respond as they listen to stories.

Attend to what is being read.

Reflect on what is read and how it relates to personal experience.

Anticipate the flow of events.

Recognize story elements.

Identify concluding events.

STANDARD: 4000 – 11

Students, teachers, and parents use speaking and listening to explore, clarify, and understand ideas in different settings.


4000-1101 Build upon the language skills developed in the family, school, and community.

Share ideas.

Ask and answer questions.

Listen and respond to peers and adults.

4000-1102 Participate in a language-rich environment created by parents and teachers.

Talk to develop concepts, understand processes, and share family stories.

Listen interactively to a variety of language experiences.

First Grade

TOPIC: Reading

STANDARD: 4010 - 01

Students use prior knowledge to comprehend new information and construct meaning.


4010-0101 Assimilate new ideas introduced through pictures and print.

Make connections between prior knowledge and new information.

Use new information in writings, drawings, and play.

4010-0102 Make connections between personal experience and print.

Relate new ideas to existing knowledge.

Create mental images from pictures and print.

Use illustrations to access prior knowledge.

STANDARD: 4010 - 02

Students make predictions and confirm meaning.


4010-0201 Anticipate the flow of events or information.

Order predicted events in a reasonable sequence.

Identify predicted events that fit the text.

4010-0202 Verify predictions as the reading continues.

Determine the accuracy of predictions.

Change predictions to fit additional information from the reading.

Make new predictions as information is added.

4010-0203 Draw reasonable conclusions.

Retell events to confirm meaning.

Make reasonable inferences.

Identify the concluding event(s) and/or important idea(s).

STANDARD: 4010 - 03

Students use phonemic awareness and graphophonic cues (letter/sound correspondence) to

decode words.


4010-0301 Decode and read meaningful sound units in words.

Recognize short and long vowel sounds.

Identify initial and final consonant sounds in words.

Identify word parts in new words.

Decode consonant blends and consonant digraphs.

Decode regular vowel patterns and vowel/consonant combinations.

Distinguish between singular and plural words.

Recognize possessives in sentences.

4010-0302 Combine sound units into words.

Group words in families based on common letter patterns.

Use known letter patterns and word families to decode unfamiliar words.

Associate decoded words with their meaning.

STANDARD: 4010 - 04

Students begin to monitor and guide their comprehension of text.


4010-0401 Use a variety of strategies to comprehend print.

Recognize an incorrectly decoded word in context.

Use text and illustrations to adjust and confirm meaning.

Ask questions to clarify meaning.

Retell in own words to make sense of what was read.

Reread to check comprehension.

4010-0402 Build a reading vocabulary.

Determine meaning of new words.

Recognize words accurately and automatically.

Read nonphonetic words as sight words.

Associate new words with concepts across the curriculum.

4010-0403 Recognize and predict language patterns.

Identify patterns in text.

Accurately repeat pattern texts.

Predict what will come next in an on-going pattern.


STANDARD: 4010 - 05

Students, teachers, and parents read together to create shared meaning from print.


4010-0501 Value reading as an important part of their lives.

Share various literary genre.

Appreciate cultural contributions and artistic expressions.

Use appropriate strategies to refine meaning.

Choose to read outside of school.

Share ideas from reading.

4010-0502 Participate in a print-rich environment.

Know nursery rhymes and fairy tales.

Reread and retell favorite stories with friends and/or family members.

Participate in a variety of language activities.

TOPIC: Writing

STANDARD: 4010 - 06

Students use concepts and conventions of print to create texts.


4010-0601 Write in a variety of formats for different purposes.

Use literature as a foundation for writing.


TOPIC: Speaking and Listening

STANDARD: 4010 - 09

Students develop oral language through speaking.


4010-0901 Learn to explore ideas through talk.

Participate in discussions in a variety of settings.

Create new language patterns based on patterned text.

Relate new experiences to prior experiences.

Ask for clarification and explanation of words and ideas.

Follow implicit rules for conversation.

Tell and retell stories and events in logical order.

Ask and respond to questions in small group settings.

4010-0902 Use speech for language enrichment.

Engage in imaginative talk as part of role play or drama.

Improvise in response to pictures, music, and stories.

Create and participate in oral dramatic activities.

4010-0903 Build a speaking vocabulary.

Use words to describe or name people, places, and things.

Increase oral descriptive vocabulary.

Ask about words not understood.

Use singular and plural nouns.

STANDARD: 4010 - 10

Students develop language and acquire information through listening.


4010-1001 Listen actively.

Listen and respond in conversation.

Listen to gain information.

Recognize and respond to humor.

Listen for a specific purpose.

4010-1002 Construct meaning from what they hear.

Relate what they hear to what they know.

Make and verify predictions as they continue to listen.

Restate information to confirm meaning.

4010-1003 Respond as they listen to stories.

Attend to what is being read.

Anticipate the flow of events.

Recognize story elements.

Identify concluding events.


STANDARD: 4010 - 11

Students, teachers, and parents use speaking and listening to explore, clarify, and understand ideas in different settings.


4010-1101 Build upon the language skills developed in the family, school, and community.

Share ideas.

Ask and answer questions.

Listen and respond to peers and adults.

4010-1102 Participate in a language-rich environment created by students, teachers, and parents.

Talk to develop concepts, understand processes, and share family stories.

Talk with people of different ages and cultures.

Listen interactively to a variety of language experiences.

TOPIC: Reading

STANDARD: 4020 - 01

Students use prior knowledge to comprehend new information and construct meaning.


4020-0101 Assimilate new ideas introduced through pictures and print.

Make connections between prior knowledge and new information.

Use new information in writings, drawings, and play.

4020-0102 Make connections between personal experience and print.

Relate new ideas to existing knowledge.

Create mental images from pictures and print.

Use illustrations to access prior knowledge.

Generate questions from the reading.

4020-0103 Record thoughts through writings, drawings, and projects.


STANDARD: 4020 - 02

Students make predictions and confirm meaning.


4020-0201 Anticipate the flow of events or information.

Predict events in a reasonable sequence.

Identify predicted events that fit the text.

4020-0202 Verify predictions as the reading continues.

Determine the accuracy of predictions.

Change predictions to fit additional information from the reading.

Make new predictions as information is added.

4020-0203 Draw reasonable conclusions.

Retell events to confirm meaning.

Make reasonable inferences.

Identify the concluding event(s) and/or important idea(s).


STANDARD: 4020 - 03

Students use graphophonic cues (letter/sound correspondence) to decode unfamiliar words while reading.


4020-0301 Recognize word parts in words.

Group compound and multi-syllable words into families based on common word parts.

Read contractions.

Distinguish between singular and plural words.

Recognize possessives in sentences.

4020-0302 Combine sound units into words.

Use known letter patterns and word families to decode unfamiliar words.

Identify word parts in new words.

Decode consonant digraphs.

Decode vowel patterns and vowel/consonant combinations.

Demonstrate fluency in whole word recognition.

Associate decoded words with their meaning.


STANDARD: 4020 - 04

Students monitor and guide their comprehension of text.


4020-0401 Continue to develop a reading vocabulary.

Determine contextually appropriate meanings of multiple meaning words; homonyms; synonyms; and antonyms.

Use the context of print to determine the meaning of words.

Associate new words with concepts across the curriculum.

Read nonphonetic words as sight words.

4020-0402 Use punctuation to guide reading with correct phrasing and emphasis.

Recognize sentence boundaries in text.

Observe punctuation when reading aloud.

Recognize how punctuation contributes to meaning.

4020-0403 Use a variety of strategies to comprehend print.

Recognize incongruities between an incorrectly decoded word and the text.

Use text and illustrations to adjust and confirm meaning.

Ask questions to clarify meaning.

Retell in own words to make sense what was read.

Reread to check comprehension.

4020-0404 Develop an interpretation of text.

Identify story elements.

Identify main and supportive ideas in informational text.

Make inferences.

Draw reasonable conclusions.

4020-0405 Evaluate text.

Discriminate between fact and opinion.

Identify favorite books and stories.

STANDARD: 4020 - 05

Students develop independence in reading.


4020-0501 Read frequently in and out of school.

Read a variety of genres.

Reread familiar materials.

Study an author's craft by reading several books by the same author.

Build a personal reading vocabulary by encountering words from the environment and in varied contexts.

Read materials at an increasingly higher level.

4020-0502 Demonstrate reading fluency.

Read phrases rather than word-by-word.

Preserve phrasing and syntax of the author to convey meaning.

Read with expression, interjecting a sense of feeling, anticipation, or characterization.

Read aloud to develop fluency.

STANDARD: 4020 - 06

Students, teachers, and parents read together to create shared meaning from print.



4020-0601 Value reading as an important part of their lives.

Share various literary genre.

Appreciate cultural contributions and artistic expressions.

Use appropriate strategies to refine meaning.

Choose to read outside of school.

Share ideas from reading.

Refine reading skills and develop positive attitudes.

4020-0602 Participate in a print-rich environment.

Read together.

Reread and retell favorite stories with friends and/or family members.

Participate in a variety of language activities.

TOPIC: Writing

STANDARD: 4020 - 07

Students use concepts and conventions of print to create texts.


4020-0701 Write in a variety of formats for different purposes.

Use literature as a foundation for writing.


STANDARD: 4020 - 08

Students use process strategies to create text.


4020-0801 Use informal writing to facilitate learning across the curriculum.

Record reactions and observations before, during, and after learning activities.

Write questions in a subject area to guide further inquiry.

TOPIC: Speaking and Listening

STANDARD: 4020 - 10

Students develop oral language through speaking.


4020-1001 Learn to explore ideas through talk.

Participate in discussions in a variety of settings.

Create new language patterns based on patterned text.

Relate new experiences to prior experiences.

Ask for clarification and explanation of words and ideas.

Follow implicit rules for conversation.

Tell and retell stories and events in logical order.

Ask and respond to questions in small group settings.

Paraphrase information shared orally by others.

4020-1002 Use speech for language enrichment.

Create and participate in oral dramatic activities.

Improvise in response to pictures, music, and stories.

Share stories or information orally with an audience.

4020-1003 Build a speaking vocabulary.

Use words to describe or name people, places, and things.

Increase oral descriptive vocabulary.

Ask about words not understood.

Use singular and plural nouns.

Use words that reflect a growing range of interest and knowledge.

Clarify and explain words and ideas orally.

Identify synonyms and antonyms in oral communication.

Use correct verb tenses in oral communication.

STANDARD: 4020 - 11

Students develop language and acquire information through listening.


4020-1101 Listen actively.

Listen and respond in conversation.

Listen to gain information.

Recognize and respond to varied uses of language.

Listen for a specific purpose.

4020-1102 Construct meaning from what they hear.

Relate what they hear to what they know.

Make and verify predictions as they continue to listen.

Restate information to confirm meaning.

Ask questions to expand understanding.

4020-1103 Respond as they listen to stories.

Attend to what is being read.

Reflect on what is read and relate it to personal experience.

Anticipate the flow of events.

Recognize story elements.

Identify concluding events.

Distinguish between reality and fantasy.

STANDARD: 4020 - 12

Students, teachers, and parents use speaking and listening to explore, clarify, and understand ideas in different settings.


4020-1201 Build upon the language skills developed in the family, school, and community.

Share ideas.

Ask and answer questions.

Listen and respond to peers and adults.

Respect cultural and ethnic differences.

4020-1202 Participate in a language-rich environment created by students, teachers, and parents.

Talk to develop concepts, understand processes, and share family stories.

Talk with people of different ages and cultures.

Listen interactively to a variety of language experiences.

Third Grade

TOPIC: Reading

STANDARD: 4030 - 01

Students use prior knowledge to make predictions, comprehend new information, and construct meaning.


4030-0101 Make connections between personal experience and print.

Assimilate new ideas introduced through pictures and print.

Relate new ideas to existing knowledge.

Create mental images from pictures and print.

Use illustrations and graphic organizer to access prior knowledge.

Generate questions from the reading.

Discuss ideas related to the text, before, during and after reading.

Synthesize thoughts through discussions, writings, drawings, and projects.

4030-0102 Anticipate the flow of events or information.

Predict events in a reasonable sequence.

Use formats, ideas, plots, and elements from previous reading to make predictions.

4030-0103 Verify predictions as the reading continues.

Determine the accuracy of predictions.

Change predictions to fit additional information from the reading.

Make new predictions as information is added.


STANDARD: 4030 - 02

Students comprehend and critically evaluate text as they read for different purposes.


4030-0201 Use a variety of strategies to comprehend print.

Recognize incongruities between an incorrectly decoded word and the passage.

Reread to check comprehension.

Use text and illustrations to adjust and confirm meaning.

Ask questions.

Retell in own words to make sense.

Use resources to verify and confirm meaning.

4030-0202 Develop an interpretation of the text.

Identify story elements.

Recognize the relationship between development of the plot and changes in other story elements.

Identify main and supporting ideas in informational text.

Make connections between information in text and historical/current events.

Make inferences.

Draw reasonable conclusions.

Identify cause/effect or problem/solution in text.

4030-0203 Critically evaluate the text.

Discriminate between fact and opinion.

Form opinions about the quality of text.

Compare and contrast within and between texts.

Select and apply relevant information to new experiences.

4030-0204 Use organizational features of books and related resources.

Use alphabetical and numerical ordering to locate information.

Use dictionary definitions to aid comprehension.

Use the table of contents or index to locate specific information.

STANDARD: 4030 - 03

Students use a variety of cueing systems to determine word pronunciation, meaning, and language structure.


4030-0301 Use graphophonic cues (letter/sound correspondence) to identify and pronounce words.

Identify known words and figure out unknown words through knowledge of letter combinations and word families.

Read high frequency words fluently.

Decode words using word parts.

4030-0302 Students use semantic cues (word meaning in context) to comprehend text.

Use word parts to determine meaning.

Use self-correction strategies when the meaning of a word or passage is not clear.

Recognize words that signal transitions to determine sequence and its contribution to the meaning of a text.

4030-0303 Students use syntactic cues (word order/sentence sense) to monitor and guide their comprehension of text.

Use punctuation to guide reading with correct phrasing and emphasis.

Recognize how text structure contributes to meaning.

Recognize how word placement within a sentence contributes to overall meaning.

4030-0304 Continue to develop a reading vocabulary.

Determine contextually appropriate meanings of multiple meaning words, homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms.

Determine meaning of new words.

Associate new words with new concepts across the curriculum.

Determine the literal meaning of figurative expressions.

Read nonphonetic words as sight words in context (e.g., patient, scissors, beauty).

STANDARD: 4030 - 04

Students develop independence in reading.


4030-0401 Read frequently in and out of school.

Read a variety of genres.

Reread familiar materials.

Study an author's craft by reading several books by the same author.

Read materials at an increasingly higher level.

4030-0402 Demonstrate reading fluency.

Demonstrate automaticity in decoding.

Read primarily in meaningful phrase groups rather than word-by-word.

Preserve phrasing and syntax of the author to convey meaning.

Read with expression, interjecting a sense of feeling, anticipation, or characterization.

Read aloud fluently.

STANDARD: 4030 – 05

Students, teachers, and parents read together to create shared meaning from print.


4030-0501 Value reading as an important part of their lives.

Share various literary genre.

Appreciate cultural contributions and artistic expressions.

Use appropriate strategies to refine meaning.

Choose to read outside of school.

Share ideas from reading.

Refine reading skills and develop positive attitudes.

4030-0502 Participate in a print-rich environment.

Read together.

Reread and retell favorite stories with friends and/or family members.

Participate in a variety of language activities.

TOPIC: Writing

STANDARD: 4030 - 06

Students use concepts and conventions of print to create texts.


4030-0604 Make effective word choices that convey the intended meaning.

Use published writing and teacher demonstration as a model for conventional usage and mechanics.

STANDARD: 4030 - 07

Students use process strategies to create text.


4030-0701 Use informal writing to facilitate learning across the curriculum.

Record reactions and observations before, during, and after learning activities.

Write questions in a subject area to guide further inquiry.

4030-0703 Create a working draft.

Follow patterns from literature and apply techniques demonstrated by authors.

TOPIC: Speaking and Listening

STANDARD: 4030 - 09

Students develop oral language through speaking.


4030-0901 Learn as they talk to explore ideas.

Participate in discussions in a variety of settings.

Relate new experiences to prior experiences.

Ask for clarification and explanation of words and ideas.

Clarify ideas, express opinions, and ask relevant questions.

Follow implicit rules for conversation.

Tell and retell stories and events in logical order.

Paraphrase information shared orally by others.

4030-0902 Use oral language to present information.

Use oral language for different purposes.

Use effective volume, eye contact, pacing, phrasing, pitch, and enunciation.

Use examples and vocabulary appropriate to the topic and audience.

Organize ideas sequentially or around major points of information.

4030-0903 Use speech for language enrichment.

Participate in literature responses, book shares, and story retellings.

Create and participate in oral dramatic activities.

Improvise in response to pictures, music, and stories.

Share stories or information orally with an audience.

4030-0904 Build a speaking vocabulary.

Increase oral descriptive vocabulary.

Ask about words not understood.

Use singular and plural nouns.

Use compound words in oral communication.

Use words that reflect a growing range of interest and knowledge.

Clarify and explain words and ideas.

Identify and use synonyms, antonyms, comparatives, and superlatives.

4030-0905 Demonstrate an understanding of oral language structure.

Use correct verb tenses in oral communication.

Express ideas orally in complete sentences.

STANDARD: 4030 - 10

Students develop language and acquire information through listening.


4030-1001 Listen actively.

Listen and respond in conversation.

Listen to gain information.

Recognize and respond to varied uses of language.

Listen for a specific purpose.

4030-1002 Construct meaning from what they hear.

Relate what they hear to what they know.

Make and verify predictions as they continue to listen.

Restate information to confirm meaning.

Recognize different perspectives.

Clarify meaning through interaction.

Develop independent interpretive skills in noninteractive situations.

Recognize and respond to oral language used for different purposes.

4030-1003 Respond as they listen to stories and informational text.

Attend to what is being read.

Reflect on what is read and relate it to personal experience.

Anticipate the flow of events.

Recognize story elements.

Recognize textual organization.

Distinguish between fiction and nonfiction.

STANDARD: 4030 - 11

Students, teachers, and parents use speaking and listening to explore, clarify, and understand ideas in different settings.


4030-1101 Build upon the language skills developed in the family, school, and community.

Respect cultural and ethnic differences.

Share ideas with class members.

Ask and answer questions.

Listen and respond to peers and adults.

Apply knowledge and information to new situations.

Participate in groups to generate ideas and solve problems.

4030-1102 Participate in a language-rich environment created by parents and teachers.

Talk to develop concepts, understand processes, and share family stories.

Talk with people of different ages and cultures.

Listen interactively to a variety of language experiences.

TOPIC: Reading

STANDARD: 4040 - 01

Students use prior knowledge to make predictions, comprehend new information, and construct meaning.


4040-0101 Make connections between personal experience and print.

Assimilate new ideas introduced through pictures and print.

Relate new ideas to existing knowledge.

Create mental images from pictures and print.

Use illustrations and graphic organizers to access prior knowledge.

Generate questions from the reading.

Discuss ideas related to the text before, during and after reading.

Synthesize thoughts through discussions, writings, drawings, and projects.

4040-0102 Anticipate the flow of events or information.

Predict events in a reasonable sequence.

Use formats, ideas, plots, and elements from previous reading to make predictions.

4040-0103 Verify predictions as the reading continues.

Use multiple sources to verify/confirm predictions.

Change predictions to fit additional information from the reading.

Make new predictions as information is added.

STANDARD: 4040 - 02

Students comprehend and critically evaluate text as they read for different purposes.


4040-0201 Use a variety of strategies to comprehend text.

Use surrounding texts to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Reread to check comprehension.

Use text and illustrations to adjust and confirm meaning.

Ask questions.

Retell in own words to make sense.

Use resources to verify and confirm meaning.

4040-0202 Develop an interpretation of text.

Recognize the relationship between development of the plot and changes in other story elements.

Identify main and supporting ideas in informational text.

Incorporate information from non-print features with print information to

enhance comprehension.

Make connections between information in text and historical/current events.

Make inferences and draw reasonable conclusions.

Identify cause/effect or problem/solution in text.

4040-0203 Critically evaluate the text.

Discriminate between fact, fiction, and opinion.

Form opinions about the quality of a text.

Compare and contrast within and between texts.

Select and use relevant information for discussion, further reading, writing, or a follow-up task.

Judge the accuracy of the text.

Validate text with personal experience.

Understand different points of view.

4040-0204 Use organizational features of books and related resources.

Use alphabetical and numerical ordering to locate information.

Use headings, side-headings, and sub-headings to locate specific information or to prepare to read.

Use dictionary definitions to aid comprehension.

Use the table of contents or index to locate specific information.

STANDARD: 4040 - 03

Students use a variety of cueing systems to determine word pronunciation, meaning, and language structure.


4040-0301 Use cueing systems to monitor and guide comprehension of text.

Use graphophonic cues to automatically and accurately identify and pronounce words.

Use self-correction strategies when the meaning of a word or passage is not clear.

Recognize words that signal transitions to determine sequence and its contribution to the meaning of a text.

Recognize how text structure contributes to meaning.

Recognize the relationship between a pronoun and its referent.

4040-0302 Continue to develop a reading vocabulary.

Determine contextually appropriate meanings of multiple meaning words, homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms.

Determine meaning of new words.

Associate words with new concepts across the curriculum.

Interpret comparatives and superlatives.

STANDARD: 4040 - 04

Students develop independence in reading.


4040-0401 Read frequently in and out of school.

Read a variety of genres.

Reread familiar materials.

Study an author's craft by reading several books by the same author.

Build a personal reading vocabulary by encountering words from the environment and in varied contexts.

Read a wide range of challenging materials.

4040-0402 Demonstrate reading fluency.

Read in meaningful phrases.

Preserve phrasing and syntax of the author to convey meaning.

Read with expression, interjecting a sense of feeling, anticipation, or characterization.

Read aloud fluently.

STANDARD: 4040 - 05

Students, teachers, and parents read together to create shared meaning from print.


4040-0501 Value reading as an important part of their lives.

Share various literary genre.

Appreciate cultural contributions and artistic expressions.

Use appropriate strategies to refine meaning.

Choose to read outside of school.

Seek opportunities to share ideas from reading.

Refine reading skills and develop positive attitudes.

4040-0502 Participate in a print-rich environment.

Read together.

Reread and retell favorite stories with friends and/or family members.

Participate in a variety of language activities.

TOPIC: Writing

STANDARD: 4040 - 06

Students use concepts and conventions of print to create text.


4040-0604 Make effective word choices that convey the intended meaning.

Use published writing and teacher demonstration as a model for conventional usage and mechanics.

STANDARD: 4040 - 07

Students use process strategies to create text.


4040-0701 Use informal writing to facilitate learning across the curriculum.

Record reactions and observations before, during, and after learning activities.

Write questions in a subject area to guide further inquiry.

Explain concepts and/or procedures for different audiences.

Record self-evaluations in specific subject areas.

Take notes.

Create graphic organizers (e.g., webs, outlines, story maps).

TOPIC: Speaking and Listening

STANDARD: 4040 - 09

Students develop oral language to communicate effectively for various purposes and audiences.


4040-0901 Learn as they talk to explore ideas.

Participate in discussions in a variety of settings.

Relate new experiences to prior experiences.

Ask for clarification and explanation of words and ideas.

Clarify ideas, express opinions, and ask relevant questions.

Follow implicit rules for conversation.

Tell and retell stories and events in logical order.

Paraphrase information from oral or written communication.

Begin to use supporting evidence.

4040-0902 Use oral language to present information.

Use oral language for different purposes.

Use effective volume, eye contact, pacing, phrasing, pitch, and enunciation.

Use examples and vocabulary appropriate to the topic and audience.

Organize ideas sequentially or around major points of information.

Develop accuracy and precision in language use.

4040-0903 Use speech for language enrichment.

Participate in literature responses, book shares, story retellings, and choral readings.

Create and participate in oral dramatic activities.

Dramatize stories in a variety of formats.

Improvise in response to pictures, music, and stories.

Share stories or information orally with an audience.

4040-0904 Build a speaking vocabulary.

Increase oral descriptive vocabulary.

Ask about words not understood.

Use words that reflect a growing range of interest and knowledge.

Clarify and explain words and ideas.

Identify and use synonyms, antonyms.

Use figurative language to clarify and enhance oral communication.

4040-0905 Demonstrate an understanding of oral language structure.

Use correct verb tenses in oral communication.

Use increasingly complex sentence structures in oral communication.

STANDARD: 4040 - 10

Students develop language and acquire information through listening.


4040-1001 Listen actively.

Listen and respond in conversation.

Listen to gain information.

Recognize and respond to varied uses of language.

Listen for a specific purpose.

4040-1002 Construct meaning from what they hear.

Relate what they hear to what they know.

Make and verify predictions as they continue to listen.

Restate information to confirm meaning.

Recognize different perspectives.

Clarify meaning through interaction.

Develop independent interpretive skills in noninteractive situations.

Recognize and respond to oral language used for different purposes

4040-1003 Respond as they listen to stories and informational books.

Attend to what is being read.

Reflect on what is read and relate it to personal experience.

Anticipate the flow of events.

Recognize story elements.

Recognize textual organization.

Distinguish between fiction and nonfiction.

STANDARD: 4040 - 11

Students, teachers, and parents use speaking and listening to explore, clarify, and understand ideas indifferent settings.


4040-1101 Build upon the language skills developed in the family, school, and community.

Respect cultural and ethnic differences.

Be flexible and responsible in communicating with others.

Put information together in unique ways.

Ask and answer questions.

Listen and respond to peers and adults.

Apply knowledge and information to new situations.

Participate in groups to generate ideas and solve problems.

4040-1102 Participate in a language-rich environment created by students, teachers, and parents.

Talk to develop concepts, understand processes, and share family stories.

Acquire connotative and idiomatic meanings and new vocabulary.

Talk with people of different ages and cultures.

Listen interactively to a variety of language experiences.

Listen to stories about diverse groups and cultures.

Fifth Grade

TOPIC: Reading

STANDARD: 4050 - 01

Students use prior knowledge to make predictions, comprehend new information, and construct meaning.


4050-0101 Make connections between personal experience and print.

Assimilate new ideas introduced through pictures and print.

Relate new ideas to existing knowledge.

Create mental images from pictures and print.

Use illustrations and graphic organizers to access prior knowledge.

Generate questions from the reading.

Discuss ideas related to the text before, during and after reading.

Synthesize thoughts through discussions, writings, drawings, and projects.

4050-0102 Anticipate the flow of events or information.

Predict events in a reasonable sequence.

Use formats, ideas, plots, and elements from previous reading to make predictions.

4050-0103 Verify predictions as the reading continues.

Use multiple sources to verify/confirm predictions.

Change predictions to fit additional information from the reading.

Make new predictions as information is added.

STANDARD: 4050 - 02

Students comprehend and critically evaluate text as they read for different purposes.


4050-0201 Use a variety of strategies to comprehend text.

Use context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Reread to check comprehension.

Use text and illustrations to adjust and confirm meaning.

Ask questions to check comprehension and explore ideas.

Retell in own words to make sense.

Select strategies appropriate to the purpose for reading and type of text.

Use multiple sources to broaden understanding of concepts.

Take notes to paraphrase or summarize information.

Use resources to verify and confirm meaning.

4050-0202 Develop an interpretation of text.

Recognize the relationship between development of the plot and changes in other story elements.

Identify main and supporting ideas in informational text.

Incorporate information from non-print features with print information to

enhance comprehension.

Make connections between information in text and historical/current events.

Make inferences and draw reasonable conclusions.

Identify cause/effect or problem/solution in text.

4050-0203 Critically evaluate text.

Discriminate between fact, fiction, and opinion.

Form opinions about the quality of text.

Compare and contrast within and between texts.

Select and record relevant information for note taking, outlining, discussion, writing or a follow-up task.

Judge the accuracy of the.

Use personal experience to interpret and validate text.

Understand different points of view.

4050-0204 Use organizational features of books and related resources.

Use alphabetical and numerical ordering to locate information.

Use headings, side-headings, and sub-headings to locate specific information or to prepare to read.

Use dictionary definitions to aid comprehension.

Use the table of contents or index to locate specific information.

Interpret the significance of print variations.

STANDARD: 4050 - 03

Students use a variety of cueing systems to determine word pronunciation, meaning, and language structure.


4050-0301 Use cueing systems to monitor and guide comprehension of text.

Use graphophonic cues to automatically and accurately identify and pronounce words.

Use self-correction strategies when the meaning of a word or passage is not clear.

Use words that signal transitions to determine sequence and its contribution to the meaning of a text.

Recognize how text structure contributes to meaning.

4050-0302 Continue to develop a reading vocabulary.

Determine contextually appropriate meanings of multiple meaning words, homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms.

Determine meaning of new words.

Associate words with new concepts across the curriculum.

Interpret imperatives and superlatives.

STANDARD: 4050 - 04

Students develop independence in reading.


4050-0401 Read frequently in and out of school.

Read a variety of genres.

Reread familiar materials.

Study an author's craft by reading several books by the same author.

Build a personal reading vocabulary by encountering words from the environment and in varied contexts.

Read materials at an increasingly higher level.

4050-0402 Demonstrate reading fluency.

Read in meaningful phrases.

Preserve phrasing and syntax of the author to convey meaning.

Read with expression, interjecting a sense of feeling, anticipation, or characterization.

Read aloud fluently.

STANDARD: 4050 - 05

Students, teachers, and parents read together to create a shared meaning from print.


4050-0501 Value reading as an important part of their lives.

Share various literary genre.

Appreciate cultural contributions and artistic expressions.

Use appropriate strategies to refine meaning.

Refine reading skills and develop positive attitudes.

Talk about books and authors in and out of the classroom.

Share reading strategies.

4050-0502 Participate in a print-rich environment.

Reread and retell favorite stories with friends and/or family members.

Participate in a variety of language activities.

Support opinions with information from text.

TOPIC: Writing

STANDARD: 4050 - 06

Students use concepts and conventions of print to create text.


4050-0604 Make effective word choices that convey the intended meaning.

Use published writing and teacher demonstration as a model for conventional usage and mechanics.

STANDARD: 4050 - 07

Students use process strategies to create text.


4050-0701 Use informal writing to facilitate learning across the curriculum.

Record reactions and observations before, during, and after learning activities.

Write questions in a subject area to guide further inquiry.

Record self-evaluations in specific subject areas.

Take notes.

Create graphic organizers (e.g., webs, outlines, story maps).

4050-0703 Create a working draft.

Follow patterns from literature and apply techniques demonstrated by authors.

TOPIC: Speaking and Listening

STANDARD: 4050 - 10

Students develop oral language to communicate effectively for various purposes and audiences.


4050-1001 Learn as they talk to explore ideas.

Participate in discussions in a variety of settings.

Ask for clarification and explanation of words and ideas.

Clarify ideas, express opinions, and ask relevant questions.

Follow implicit rules for conversation.

Tell and retell stories and events in logical order.

Paraphrase information from oral or written communication.

Use supporting evidence.

4050-1002 Use oral language to present information.

Use effective volume, eye contact, pacing, phrasing, pitch, and enunciation.

Use information, examples, and vocabulary appropriate to the topic and audience.

Organize ideas sequentially or around major points of information.

Develop accuracy and precision in language use.

Use correct grammatical structure in oral communication.

4050-1003 Use speech for language enrichment.

Participate in literature response, book shares, story retellings, and choral readings.

Create and participate in oral dramatic activities.

Dramatize stories in a variety of formats.

Improvise in response to pictures, music, and stories.

Share stories or information orally with an audience.

4050-1004 Build a speaking vocabulary.

Use precise language in oral descriptions and explanations.

Ask about words not understood.

Use words that reflect a growing range of interest and knowledge.

Clarify and explain words and ideas.

Identify and use synonyms and antonyms.

Use figurative language to clarify and enhance oral communication.

Determine connotative and idiomatic meanings.

4050-1005 Evaluate oral participation in small group discussion.

Communicate as a leader and contributor.

Summarize and evaluate group activities.

STANDARD: 4050 - 11

Students develop language and acquire information through listening.


4050-1101 Listen actively.

Listen and respond in conversation.

Listen, draw conclusions, and share responses in subject- related group discussions.

Recognize and respond to varied uses of language.

Recognize and respond to various language genre.

Differentiate fact, opinion, and inference.

4050-1102 Construct meaning from what they hear.

Relate what they hear to what they know.

Make and verify predictions as they continue to listen.

Restate information to confirm meaning.

Recognize different perspectives.

Take notes on information given orally.

Apply information gained through listening.

4050-1103 Respond as they listen to stories and informational text.

Attend to what is being read.

Reflect on what is read and relate it to personal experience.

Anticipate the flow of events.

Recognize story elements.

Recognize textual organization.

Distinguish between fiction and nonfiction.

STANDARD: 4050 - 12

Students, teachers, and parents use speaking and listening to explore, clarify, and understand ideas in different settings.


4050-1201 Build upon the language skills developed in the family, school, and community.

Respect cultural and ethnic differences.

Be responsible in communicating with others.

Put information together in unique ways.

Ask and answer questions.

Listen and respond to peers and adults.

Apply knowledge and information to new situations.

Participate in groups to generate ideas and solve problems.

4050-1202 Participate in a language-rich environment created by students, teachers, and parents.

Talk to develop concepts, understand processes, and share family stories.

Listen interactively to a variety of language experiences.

Listen to stories about diverse groups and cultures.

Sixth Grade

TOPIC: Reading

STANDARD: 4060 - 01

Students use prior knowledge to make predictions, comprehend new information, and construct meaning.


4060-0101 Make connections between personal experience and print.

Assimilate new ideas introduced through pictures and print.

Relate new ideas to existing knowledge.

Create mental images from pictures and print.

Use illustrations and graphic organizers to access prior knowledge.

Generate questions and find relevant information from reading.

Discuss ideas related to the text before, during, and after reading.

Synthesize thoughts through discussions, note taking, writings, drawings, and projects.

4060-0102 Anticipate the flow of events or information.

Predict events in a reasonable sequence.

Use formats, ideas, plots, and elements from previous reading to make predictions.

4060-0103 Verify predictions as the reading continues.

Change predictions to fit additional information from the reading.

Make new predictions as information is added.

STANDARD: 4060 - 02

Students comprehend and critically evaluate text as they read for different purposes.


4060-0201 Use a variety of strategies to comprehend text.

Use context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Reread to check comprehension.

Use text and illustrations to adjust and confirm meaning.

Ask questions to check comprehension and explore ideas.

Retell in own words to make sense.

Select strategies appropriate to the purpose for reading and type of text.

Take notes to paraphrase or summarize information.

Use resources (e.g., dictionary, computer) to verify and confirm meaning.

4060-0202 Develop an interpretation of text.

Recognize the relationship between development of the plot and changes in other story elements.

Identify main and supporting ideas in informational text.

Use print and other text features to anticipate and confirm the ongoing meaning.

Make connections between information in text and historical/current events.

Make inferences and draw reasonable conclusions.

Identify cause/effect or problem/solution in text.

4060-0203 Critically evaluate text.

Discriminate between fact, fiction, and opinion.

Form opinions about the quality of text.

Compare and contrast within and between texts.

Select and record relevant information for note taking, outlining, discussion, note taking, or a follow-up task.

Judge the accuracy of the text.

Use personal experience to interpret and validate text.

Understand different points of view.

4060-0204 Use organizational features of books and related resources.

Use alphabetical and numerical ordering to locate information.

Use headings, side-headings, and sub-headings to locate specific information or to prepare to read.

Use dictionary definitions to aid comprehension.

Use the table of contents or index to locate specific information.

Interpret the significance of print variations.

STANDARD: 4060 - 03

Students use a variety of cueing systems to determine word pronunciation, meaning, and language structure.


4060-0301 Use cueing systems to monitor and guide comprehension of text.

Use graphophonic cues to automatically and accurately identify and pronounce words.

Use self-correction strategies when the meaning of a word or passage is not clear.

Recognize words that signal transitions to determine sequence and its contribution to the meaning of a text.

Recognize how text structure contributes to the overall meaning.

4060-0302 Continue to develop a reading vocabulary.

Determine contextually appropriate meanings of multiple meaning words, homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms.

Determine meaning of new words.

Associate words with new concepts across the curriculum.

Interpret imperatives and superlatives.

STANDARD: 4060 - 04

Students develop independence in reading.


4060-0401 Read frequently in and out of school.

Read a variety of genres across different topics.

Reread familiar materials.

Study an author's craft by reading several books by the same author.

Read materials at an increasingly higher level.

4060-0402 Demonstrate reading fluency.

Read in meaningful phrases.

Preserve phrasing and syntax of the author to convey meaning.

Use punctuation as a cue for pausing and characterization.

Read with expression, interjecting a sense of feeling, anticipation, or characterization.

Read aloud fluently.

STANDARD: 4060 - 05

Students, teachers, and parents read together to create shared meaning from print.


4060-0501 Value reading as an important part of their lives.

Share various literary genre.

Appreciate cultural contributions and artistic expressions.

Seek opportunities to share ideas from reading.

Refine reading skills and develop positive attitudes.

Talk about books and authors in and out of the classroom.

Share reading strategies.

4060-0502 Participate in a print-rich environment.

Reread and retell favorite stories with friends and/or family members.

Participate in a variety of language activities.

Support opinions with information from text.

TOPIC: Writing

STANDARD: 4060 - 06

Students use concepts and conventions of print to create text.


4060-0601 Write in a variety of formats for different purposes.

Recognize formats and purposes of print.

Make connections between words and the ideas they convey in context.

Use literature as a foundation for writing.

STANDARD: 4060 - 07

Students use process strategies to create text.


4060-0701 Use informal writing to facilitate learning across the curriculum.

Record reactions and observations before, during, and after learning activities.

Write questions in a subject area to guide further inquiry.

Record self-evaluations in specific subject areas.

Take notes.

Create graphic organizers (e.g., webs, outlines, story maps).

4060-0703 Create a working draft.

Follow patterns from literature and apply techniques demonstrated by authors.

TOPIC: Speaking and Listening

STANDARD: 4060 - 10

Students develop oral language to communicate effectively for various purposes and audiences.


4060-1001 Learn as they talk to explore ideas.

Participate in discussions in a variety of settings.

Ask for clarification and explanation of words and ideas.

Clarify ideas, express opinions, and ask relevant questions.

Follow implicit rules for conversation.

Tell and retell stories and events in logical order.

Paraphrase information from oral or written communication.

Use supporting evidence.

4060-1002 Use oral language to present information.

Use effective volume, eye contact, pacing, phrasing, pitch, and enunciation.

Organize ideas sequentially or around major points of information.

Develop accuracy and precision in language use.

Use correct grammatical structure in oral communication.

Recognize and correct double negatives.

Use supporting evidence to validate a position.

4060-1003 Use speech for language enrichment.

Participate in literature response, book shares, story retellings, and choral readings.

Create and participate in oral dramatic activities.

Dramatize stories in a variety of formats.

Improvise in response to pictures, music, and stories.

Share stories or information orally with an audience.

4060-1004 Build a speaking vocabulary.

Use precise language in descriptions and explanations.

Determine the meaning of words not understood.

Use words that reflect a growing range of interest and knowledge.

Clarify and explain words and ideas.

Identify and use synonyms and antonyms.

Use figurative language to clarify and enhance oral communication.

4060-1005 Analyze oral participation in small group discussion.

Communicate as a leader and contributor.

Summarize and evaluate group activities.

Evaluate the effectiveness of participant interactions.

STANDARD: 4060 - 11

Students develop language and acquire information through listening.


4060-1101 Listen actively.

Listen and respond in conversation.

Listen, draw conclusions, and share responses in subject- related group discussions.

Recognize and respond to varied uses of language.

Recognize and respond to various language genre.

Differentiate fact, opinion, and inference.

4060-1102 Construct meaning from what they hear.

Relate what they hear to what they know.

Make and verify predictions as they continue to listen.

Restate information to confirm meaning.

Take notes on information given orally.

Evaluate and apply information gained through listening.

4060-1103 Respond as they listen to stories and informational books.

Attend to what is being read.

Reflect on what is read and relate it to personal experience.

Anticipate the flow of events.

Recognize story elements.

Recognize textual organization.

Distinguish between fiction and nonfiction.

STANDARD: 4060 - 12

Students, teachers, and parents use speaking and listening to explore, clarify, and understand ideas in different settings.


4060-1201 Build upon the language skills developed in the family, school, and community.

Respect cultural and ethnic differences.

Be responsible in communicating with others.

Ask and answer questions.

Listen and respond to peers and adults.

Participate in groups to generate ideas and solve problems.

4060-1202 Participate in a language-rich environment created by students, teachers, and parents.

Talk to develop concepts, understand processes, and share family stories.

Converse with people of different ages and cultures.

Listen interactively to a variety of language experiences.

Listen to stories about diverse groups and cultures.