Playbook® Applicability to


State Standards in Language Arts

Kindergarten through Grade Six


Reading a Playbook® in the classroom meets the following West Virginia standards in English Language Arts and Reading:


Standard 1: Reading (RLA.S.1)

Students will use skills to read for literacy experiences, read to inform and read to perform a task by:

* identifying and using the dimensions of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, background knowledge/vocabulary, high frequency words/fluency, comprehension, writing and motivation to read); and

* employing a wide variety of literature in developing independent readers.

Reading Objectives

Students will:

RLA.K.1.1 identify that words are made of phonemes (c/a/t).

RLA.K.1.2 identify the sounds in a one-syllable word (play = p/l/a).

RLA.K.1.3 recognize and manipulate onset and rime (word families).

RLA.K.1.4 use basic elements of phonetic analysis (e.g., common letter/sound relationships; beginning/ending consonant sounds; short/long vowel sounds; word patterns).

RLA.K.1.5 recognize and name all lower/upper case letters in random order.

RLA.K.1.6 identify level-appropriate sight words and vocabulary words (e.g., color words; number words; positional words - top, bottom, in, out; high frequency words - I, it; words for person, places, things and actions).

RLA.K.1.7 recognize basic comprehension concepts (e.g., main idea; setting; characters; sequence; retelling; predicting).

RLA.K.1.8 recognize that print conveys meaning (e.g., know that printed letters and words represent spoken language).

RLA.K.1.9 recognize how print is organized and read (e.g., front of book; title; hold book correctly; follow words from left to right and top to bottom of page; turn pages left to right; one to one match - print and voice; know the difference between words and letters).

RLA.K.1.10 establish a purpose for reading (e.g., for information, for pleasure).

RLA.K.1.11 identify author’s purpose (e.g., to persuade, to inform).

RLA.K.1.12 make connections between literary work and people in own life and other cultures (e.g. characters; events).

RLA.K.1.13 use reading skills and strategies to understand a variety of informational resources to support literacy learning (e.g. environmental print, written directions; signs; captions; labels; technology).


Standard 3: Listening, Speaking and Viewing (RLA.S.3)

Students will apply their use of spoken, written and/or visual language to communicate with

* a variety of audiences; and

* for different purposes.

Listening, Speaking and Viewing Objectives

Students will:

RLA.K.3.1 listen, recite, and respond to familiar stories, poems, nursery rhymes, songs and stories with repeated patterns.

RLA.K.3.2 understand the main idea or message in visual media (e.g. pictures; cartoons; weather reports; newspaper photos; visual narratives.)

First Grade

Standard 1: Reading (RLA.S.1)

Students will use skills to read for literacy experiences, read to inform and read to perform a task by:

* identifying and using the dimensions of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, background knowledge/vocabulary, high frequency words/fluency, comprehension, writing and motivation to read); and

* employing a wide variety of literature in developing independent readers.

Reading Objectives

Students will:

RLA.1.1.1 blend or segment the phonemes of most one-syllable words.

RLA.1.1.2 substitute, delete and manipulate beginning and ending phonemes.

RLA.1.1.3 develop a rhythm and rhyme of words (e.g., nursery rhymes; songs; poems; tongue twisters).

RLA.1.1.4 use basic elements of phonetic analysis to decode unknown words (e.g., sound relationships; beginning/ending consonants; vowel sounds; blends).

RLA.1.1.5 use basic elements of structural analysis to decode unknown words (e.g., basic prefixes/suffixes; compound words; root words; spelling patterns; contractions).

RLA.1.1.6 understand level appropriate sight words and vocabulary (e.g., high frequency words such as said, was and where; antonyms - hot, cold; synonyms - rock, stone; multiple meaning words - ball).

RLA.1.1.7 use a variety of context clues to determine word meanings (e.g., prior knowledge; reading ahead).

RLA.1.1.8 recognize basic comprehension concepts (e.g., story elements; main idea; sequence; cause/effect; prediction).

RLA.1.1.9 respond to both literal and interpretive comprehension questions after reading a short story selection that is developmentally appropriate.

RLA.1.1.10 explain how print is organized and read (e.g., author; illustrator; difference between letters - words - sentences; aware of the use of capitalization and punctuation as text boundaries).

RLA.1.1.11 use meaning clues to aid comprehension and make predictions about content (e.g., pictures; picture captions; title; cover; story structure; story topic; action; events).

RLA.1.1.12 read with accuracy and comprehension instructional level texts designed for the first grade to use self-correction strategies (e.g., search for cues; identify miscues; reread; ask for help).

RLA.1.1.13 read aloud familiar stories, poems and passages with fluency and expression (e.g., rhythm, flow, meter, tempo, pitch, tone, intonation) and self-select a variety of literary works.

RLA.1.1.14 establish purpose for reading (e.g., for information; for pleasure; to identify a specific viewpoint).

RLA.1.1.15 make connections in literary work and people in own life and other cultures (e.g., events; characters; conflicts).

RLA.1.1.16 use reading skills and strategies to understand a variety of informational resources to support literacy learning (e.g., environmental print; written directions; signs; captions; labels; informational books).

Standard 3: Listening, Speaking and Viewing (RLA.S.3)

Students will apply their use of spoken, written and/or visual language to communicate with

* a variety of audiences; and

*for different purposes.

Listening, Speaking and Viewing Objectives

Students will:

RLA.1.3.1 identify the main idea of messages in visual media (e.g. pictures; cartoons; weather reports; newspaper photos; visual narratives.)

RLA.1.3.2 listen, recite and respond to familiar stories, poems, nursery rhymes, songs and stories with repeated patterns (e.g. retell in sequence; relate information to own life; describe character - setting - plot; engage in creative and dramatic play; imagine beyond the story).

Second Grade

Standard 1: Reading (RLA.S.1)

Students will use skills to read for literacy experiences, read to inform and read to perform a task by:

* identifying and using the dimensions of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, background knowledge/vocabulary, high frequency words/fluency, comprehension, writing and motivation to read); and

* employing a wide variety of literature in developing independent readers.

Reading Objectives

Students will:

RLA.2.1.1 use basic elements of phonetic analysis (e.g., syllabication; dipthongs; digraphs; variant vowel sounds such as r-controlled).

RLA.2.1.2 use basic elements of structural analysis to decode unknown words (e.g, syllables; prefixes; suffixes; root words; compound words; spelling patterns; contractions).

RLA.2.1.3 identify and use grade level appropriate sight words and reading vocabulary (e.g., high frequency words; homonyms - I, eye; homophones - read, read; multiple meaning words; synonyms; antonyms).

RLA.2.1.4 use a variety of context clues to decode unknown words (e.g., prior knowledge; read ahead; reread).

RLA.2.1.5 use reading skills and strategies to understand a variety of familiar literary passages and texts (e.g., fairy tales; folk-tales; fiction; nonfiction; poems; legends; fables; fantasies; chapter books).

RLA.2.1.6 use basic comprehension skills to understand a story (e.g., story elements; main idea; sequence; cause/effect; predicting; drawing conclusions; fact or opinion; summarizing; responding creatively to texts).

RLA.2.1.7 respond to both literal and interpretive comprehension questions after reading a short story selection that is developmentally appropriate.

RLA.2.1.8 use meaning clues to aid comprehension and make predictions about content (e.g., pictures; pictures captions; title; cover; heading; story structure; story topic; action; events; character’s behavior).

RLA.2.1.9 read with accuracy and comprehension instructional level texts designed for the second grade and use self-correction strategies (e.g., search for cues; identify miscues; reread; ask for help).

RLA.2.1.10 read familiar stories, poems and passages with fluency.

RLA.2.1.11 establish a purpose for reading (e.g., for information; for pleasure; to understand specific viewpoints; to follow directions).

RLA.2.1.12 describe author’s purpose (e.g., to persuade, to inform).

RLA.2.1.13 make connections between characters or simple events in a literary work and in own life and other cultures (e.g., events; characters; simple conflicts; themes)

RLA.2.1.14 use reading skills and strategies to understand a variety of informational resources to support literacy learning (e.g., environmental print; written directions; signs; captions; labels; informational books).

Standard 3: Listening, Speaking and Viewing (RLA.S.3)

Students will apply their use of spoken, written and/or visual language to communicate with

* a variety of audiences; and

*for different purposes.

Listening, Speaking and Viewing Objectives

Students will:

RLA.2.3.1 recognize the main idea or intended messages in visual media (e.g., pictures; cartoons; weather reports; newspaper photos; visual narratives).

RLA.2.3.2 listen, recite and respond to familiar stories, poems and songs (e.g., retell in sequence; relate information to own life; describe character - setting - plot; engage in creative and dramatic play; imagine beyond the story).

Third Grade

Standard 1: Reading (RLA.S.1)

Students will use skills to read for literacy experiences, read to inform and read to perform a task by:

* identifying and using the dimensions of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, background knowledge/vocabulary, high frequency words/fluency, comprehension, writing and motivation to read); and

* employing a wide variety of literature in developing independent readers.

Reading Objectives

Students will:

RLA.3.1.1 recognize level appropriate sight words and content vocabulary.

RLA.3.1.2 recognize level appropriate reading vocabulary (e.g. synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, multi-meaning words).

RLA.3.1.3 use reading skills and strategies to comprehend a variety of literary passages and texts (e.g. fairy tales, folk-tales; fiction; nonfiction; myths; poems; fables; fantasies; historical fiction; biographies; autobiographies; chapter books).

RLA.3.1.4 use comprehension skills to understand a story (e.g. story elements; sequence; expository works; drawing conclusions; compare/contrast; predict; summarize; infer; paraphrase; main idea; story topic).

RLA.3.1.5 recognize the ways in which language is used in literary text (e.g. simile; metaphor; idioms).

RLA.3.1.6 use graphic organizers and visualization techniques to interpret information (e.g. charts; graphs; diagrams).

RLA.3.1.7 use meaning clues to aid comprehension and make predictions about content across the curriculum (e.g. action; events; story topic; behaviors).

RLA.3.1.8 read with accuracy and comprehension instructional level texts designed for third grade and use self-correction strategies (e.g. search for cues; identify miscues; reread).

RLA.3.1.9 read familiar stories, poems and passages with fluency and expression (e.g. rhythm; flow; meter; tempo; pitch; tone; intonation) and self-select a variety of literary works.

RLA.3.1.10 explain a purpose for reading (e.g. for information; for pleasure; to understand a specific viewpoint).

RLA.3.1.11 recognize author’s purpose (e.g. to persuade; to inform).

RLA.3.1.12 compare connections between characters or simple events in a literary work in own life and other cultures (e.g. events; characters; conflicts; themes).

RLA.3.1.13 use reading skills and strategies to identify a variety of informational resources to support literacy learning (e.g. environmental print; written directions; signs; captions; labels; informational books).

Listening, Speaking and Viewing Objectives

Students will:

RLA.3.3.1 listen and respond to familiar stories and poems (e.g., summarize and paraphrase to confirm comprehension; recount personal experiences; imagine beyond the literary form).

RLA.3.3.2 define different messages conveyed through visual media (e.g., main ideas and supporting details; facts and opinions; main characters; setting; sequence of events).


Fourth Grade

Standard 1: Reading (RLA.S.1)

Students will use skills to read for literacy experiences, read to inform and read to perform a task by:

* identifying and using the dimensions of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, background knowledge/vocabulary, high frequency words/fluency, comprehension, writing and motivation to read); and

* employing a wide variety of literature in developing independent readers.

Reading Objectives

Students will:

RLA.4.1.1 identify level appropriate vocabulary (e.g., multiple meaning words; synonyms; antonyms; homonyms; content area vocabulary; context clues).

RLA.4.1.2 apply structural analysis and context clues to decode and encode words.

RLA.4.1.3 recognize the defining characteristics of a variety of literary forms and genres (e.g., fairy tales; folk-tales; fiction; nonfiction; myths; poems; fables; fantasies; biographies; autobiographies; chapter books).

RLA.4.1.4 use comprehension skills to understand literary works (e.g., summarize; story elements; skim and scan; define expository text; compare/contrast; imagery; paraphrase; compose personal response; infer; fact and opinion; sequence).

RLA.4.1.5 recognize the ways in which language is used in literary texts (e.g., simile; metaphor; idioms; analogies; and puns).

RLA.4.1.6 use graphic organizers and visualization techniques to interpret information (e.g., charts; graphs; diagrams; non-verbal symbols).

RLA.4.1.7 use meaning clues to aid comprehension and make predictions about content across the curriculum (e.g., pictures; picture captions; titles; headings; story structure; story topic; action - events - character behaviors).

RLA.4.1.8 read with accuracy and comprehension instructional level texts designed for the fourth grade and use self-correction strategies (e.g., search for cues; identify miscues; reread).

RLA.4.1.9 read orally and silently literary texts across the curriculum with fluent expression.

RLA.4.1.10 determine a purpose for reading across the curriculum.

RLA.4.1.11 summarize the author’s purpose (e.g., to persuade; to inform; to determine a specific viewpoint).

RLA.4.1.12 compare self to text in making connections between characters or simple events in a literary work with people and events in one’s own and other cultures.


Standard 3: Listening, Speaking and Viewing (RLA.S.3)

Students will apply their use of spoken, written and/or visual language to communicate with

* a variety of audiences; and

* for different purposes.

Listening, Speaking and Viewing Objectives

Students will:

RLA.4.3.1 listen and respond to different literary forms (e.g., summarize and paraphrase to confirm understanding; recount personal experiences; listen to information and exhibit comprehension; provide reasons in support of opinions; respond to others’ ideas).

RLA.4.3.2 define a variety of messages conveyed through visual media (e.g., provide information by observing main concept - details - themes or lessons - viewpoints; recognize intended audience).


Fifth Grade

Standard 1: Reading (RLA.S.1)

Students will use skills to read for literacy experiences, read to inform and read to perform a task by:

* identifying and using the dimensions of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, background knowledge/vocabulary, high frequency words/fluency, comprehension, writing and motivation to read); and

* employing a wide variety of literature in developing independent readers.

Reading Objectives

Students will:

RLA.5.1.1 identify defining characteristics, build background knowledge and develop reading skills to understand a variety of literary passages and texts by West Virginia, national and international authors (e.g., fiction; nonfiction; myth; poems; fantasies; biographies; autobiographies; science fiction; tall tales; supernatural tales).

RLA.5.1.3 determine main idea and locate supporting details in a literary passage and across the curriculum.

RLA.5.1.4 analyze text to determine time and sequence.

RLA.5.1.5 use comprehension skills (e.g., draw conclusions; predict; use context clues; summarize).

RLA.5.1.6 determine the elements of literature (e.g., characterization; conflict; plot) to construct meaning and recognize author’s and/or reader’s purpose.

RLA.5.1.7 identify figurative language in text (e.g., hyperbole; alliteration).

RLA.5.1.8 make text connections to self, to other text and to the world.

RLA.5.1.9 identify literary techniques used to interpret literature (e.g., compare/contrast; cause/effect).

RLA.5.1.10 read types of poetry that use inversion, rhyme and rhythm (e.g., diamante; shape; haiku; limerick; name poems; bio poems; cinquain; and quatrain).

Standard 3: Listening, Speaking and Viewing (RLA.S.3)

Students will apply their use of spoken, written and/or visual language to communicate with:

* a variety of audiences; and

* for different purposes.


Listening, Speaking and Viewing Objectives

Students will:

RLA.5.3.1 recognize and exhibit oral communication skills (e.g., rate, audience etiquette).

RLA.5.3.2 identify and correct usage errors in oral communication (e.g., word choice; grammar - I have seen, not I have saw).

RLA.5.3.3 deliver recitations.

RLA.5.3.4 relate personal experiences to oral/visual information.

RLA.5.3.5 listen in order to understand a topic (e.g., of a guest speaker; informational video; televised interview; radio news program).

RLA.5.3.6 contribute to group discussions by exhibiting active listening skills.


Sixth Grade

Standard 1: Reading (RLA.S.1)

Students will use skills to read for literacy experiences, read to inform and read to perform a task by:

* identifying and using the dimensions of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, background knowledge/vocabulary, high frequency words/fluency, comprehension, writing and motivation to read); and

* employing a wide variety of literature in developing independent readers.

Reading Objectives

Students will:

RLA.6.1.1 know the defining characteristics, build background knowledge and use reading skills to understand a variety of West Virginia, national and international authors (e.g., fiction; nonfiction; myths; poems; fantasies; biographies; autobiographies; science fiction; tall tales; supernatural tales).

RLA.6.1.3 determine theme and locate supporting details in a literary passage and across the curriculum.

RLA.6.1.4 analyze text to determine transitional words/language.

RLA.6.1.5 use comprehension skills (e.g., draw conclusions; interpret meaning).

RLA.6.1.6 determine the elements of literature (e.g. external conflict; mood) to construct meaning and recognize author’s and/or reader’s purpose.

RLA.6.1.7 identify figurative language in text (e.g., simile; metaphor; personification).

RLA.6.1.8 explain text connections to self, to other text and to the world for understanding a literary passage.

RLA.6.1.9 identify and classify types of poetry that use inversion, rhyme and rhythm (e.g., diamante; shape; haiku; limerick; name poems; bio poems; cinquain; and quantrain).


Standard 3: Listening, Speaking and Viewing (RLA.S.3)

Students will apply their use of spoken, written and/or visual language to communicate with

* a variety of audiences; and

* for different purposes.

Listening, Speaking and Viewing Objectives

Students will:

RLA.6.3.1 recognize and exhibit oral communication skills (e.g. volume; rate; audience etiquette).

RLA.6.3.2 retell simple and detailed stories sequentially.

RLA.6.3.3 listen in order to comprehend topic and purpose (e.g. of a guest speaker; informational video; televised interview; radio news program).